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Product management job seeker updating her resume and cover letter

Interview Generation

Improving your resume, application strategy, cover letter and LinkedIn to get more interviews fast


Your resume is the most important tool you have when looking for your next product manager role. It's what will help you stand out in an ocean of job applicants and get you those interviews you want. But most people have sub-par resumes and wonder why companies never respond.


I will revise and improve your resume so that you are able to get past all the gatekeepers standing between you and an interview. This includes making sure:

  • it is formatted in a manner that recruiters and hiring managers expect

  • each line item relates to product management in some way

  • the right keywords are added so that you pass the Applicant Tracking System

  • you are telling a compelling and cohesive story to the hiring team of why you should be hired as a product manager

I will review all changes with you as well as answer any questions you may have.

Application Strategy

As Benjamin Franklin once said "If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail". Finding a product job is no different. If you do not have the right strategy and approach, you are going to make the job search much more time-consuming and difficult than it has to be.


I will walk you through what I consider is the optimal application strategy, including:

  • how you should be applying for these product management roles

  • the most effective ways to network with hiring managers and recruiters on LinkedIn to start getting interviews off LinkedIn

  • what online job boards you should be leveraging

  • different templates to ensure you are managing your job search in the right way

  • various tactics you can use throughout the application process to either increase your overall conversion rate or make the process more efficient

I will ensure you have a crystal clear game plan and know exactly what steps to take.

Cover Letter

While the cover letter is not as important as the resume, it is still worth having a good one. Some companies still require a cover letter when applying for a position.


I will come up with a cover letter version for you that:

  • can be tweaked for any kind of job you apply for so that you save time

  • demonstrates your value to and interest in the company

I will review all changes and feedback with you.

linkedin logo


In this age of the Internet, having an updated and detailed LinkedIn profile is critically important. Your profile will allow you to showcase your experience and talent to a wider audience. But more importantly, it will attract recruiters and companies to you. 


I will create and/or update all aspects of your profile including:

  • profile picture

  • headline and biography

  • job positions and descriptions

  • skills and endorsements

Ready to get started?

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