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Product manager job interview

Interview Practice

Giving you the skills and confidence to pass any interview 

Interview Practice

Interviews may seem daunting and nerve wracking but with enough practice, you will feel prepared and confident when you go in for an interview.  Remember that interviews are as much of an opportunity for you to see if you want to work for a company as it is the company assessing whether you would be a good fit for them. 


As someone who has been part of over 50 product manager phone and in person interviews, both on the applicant and hiring side, I will help you: 

  • understand the different interview phases and what each entails

  • perfect your story or pitch

  • gain insight into what the company is really looking for 

  • prepare you for the most common questions you are likely to face, including product design and product strategy case questions

  • come up with robust stories for behavioral questions

  • review technical questions and refine your answers

  • brainstorm intelligent questions to ask so that you stand out

During this process, I will also be providing real time feedback as well as answering any questions you may have.

Ready to get started?

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